Wills & Estate

Drafting Your Will
Making a will can be difficult. There are many issues to consider, and an improperly drafted will may mean that your estate is not left to the persons you wanted it to be left to. Our Lawyers can provide will guide you so that you can leave your estate to the persons you want to. We also explain the procedural steps that are involved following your death, so you can make decisions about who to appoint as a suitable Trustee or Executor who can be trusted to manage your estate.
We also provide advice if you believe you may have a claim against an estate and have been left out of a relative’s or spouse’s will as well as acting for deceased estates and providing legal advice to executors and carrying out legal services once an individual has passed on. Regularly updating your will can be necessary when there are changes in your life such as the death of a partner, birth of children, the breakdown of marriage, the death of an executor.
Enduring Power of Attorney
An Enduring Power of Attorney is a legal document a person can make that gives another person/s, or organisation, the legal authority to make financial and/or property decisions on their behalf. An Enduring Power of Attorney is a legal document that operates only whilst you are alive and allows another person or persons to make financial decisions on your behalf upon you becoming legally incapacitated (i.e. of unsound mind).
What is an Advance Care Directive
An Advance Care Directive establishes your medical needs and wishes in circumstances where you are incapacitated or otherwise unable to make such decisions for yourself. It provides directions regarding your future care and/or your end-of-life preferences.